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The Thomas Alleyne Academy

Achieving excellence through personal growth


In August 2021 the Harts Schools Trust Board confirmed the appointment of Hilary Clifford as the new Chair of the Thomas Alleyne local governing body in succession to Jonathan Ellam; who stepped down after 12 years as governor and Chair of Governors. Hilary is a Hitchin resident with extensive experience as a senior executive. She is an experienced coach and mentor, and has worked with many boards and trustees on strategic planning and good governance. She formerly was Director of AoC Service, chaired the Board of an independent training provider and has also been a school governor. Hilary is looking forward to working with the local governing body and with the Head teacher to continue the school’s journey. Jonathan will continue to serve on the Trust Board as a Trustee.

Governors are very involved in the direction and improvements made by the academy. Governors meet half-termly and also visit the academy regularly to take part in many academy events including a half-termly ‘Governors in School’ half day which may include tours and lesson observations, meeting with Heads of Department and senior staff, student panel discussions, formal presentations and informal time with staff.

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